The largest truffle on record was found in Acqualagna in the Grand Duchy of Urbino in 1668 and weighed 75 pounds, approximately 25 kg. It was given as a gift to Pope Alexander VII and since then, there have been no other recorded finds as large as this. The same land gave birth to our company, which ensure to make every banquet a royal occasion of scents and flavours that will transform into emotions as rare today as the truffle itself.
The places where the truffles grow are not very large and are greedily kept secret by the gatherers because of their insurmountable quality and value.

Our story begins with grandfather Domenico, in a modest inn in Urbania during the 60s', buying the harvesting truffles.
This small company has grown over time and has been passed down to the heirs of Domenico. Ravaldo is well known throughout Italy and Europe for the service provided to the best restaurants and Muccini brand, born in 2008, created a new label.
Today, as it was in the past, the name Muccini is inseparably linked to quality truffles, ensuring history, tradition, passion and culture. Always attentive to traditions, with the constant search for unique products of gastronomy and high-level culinary, no detail is left to chance, each jar is personally checked, all labels are attached by hand; ensuring only the expertise created by skilful craftsmanship work.
Muccini, a family wanting to share their own knowledge of ancient recipes with the goal to transform the truffle into a unique and precious speciality.